On August 7, 1974, A young Frenchman named Philippe Petit stepped out on a wire illegally rigged between the World Trade Center's twin towers in New York. After dancing for nearly an hour on the wire, he was arrested, taken for psychological evaluation, and brought to jail before he was finally released. This documentary incorporates Petit's footage to show the numerous extraordinary challenges he...
A musician is discovered In a Detroit bar in the late 60s by two celebrated producers struck by his soulful melodies and prophetic lyrics. They record an album which they believe is going to secure his reputation as the greatest recording artist of his generation. In fact, the album bombs and the singer disappears into obscurity amid rumors of a gruesome on-stage suicide. But a bootleg recording...
The Green Prince is such an extraordinary story that one is tempted to think it is fiction, if only somebody had the audacity to invent it. A Palestinian in Ramallah, Mosab Hassan Yousef grows up angry and ready to fight Israel. Arrested for smuggling guns at the age of 17, he's interrogated by the Shin Bet, Israel's security service, and sent to prison. But shocked by Hamas's ruthless tactics in ...
In 1994 a 13-year-old boy disappeared without a trace from his home in San Antonio, Texas. Three and a half years later he is found alive thousands of miles away in a village in southern Spain with a horrifying story of kidnap and torture. His family is overjoyed to bring him home. But all is not quite as it seems. The boy bears many of the same distinguishing marks he always did, but why does he ...